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Updates and Notices From the Prez(7/13/2001)

The following are announcements from Comicol President Kristine "Bart" Bartolome, posted last thursday on our Yahoo groups.

The news is correct guys: We have just lost our board space. Nonetheless, rest assured that I will try to figure out a way to go around this problem.

To add to the bad news, I am anouncing that the COMICOL will not be at the recruitment area during recruitment week for non-accredited orgs. This is tied up to our not having board rights.

  1. we WERE not visible last year
  2. Colayco can't fit all 20 applying orgs

As for the Costume 'Parade', I am thinking of making it into a schoolwide contest. But we will push through for this.

Next up is the membership fee. OSA has placed a ceiling price formembership fees and all the orgs have risen up that level (or most anyway). In any case, I am contemplating on whether or not to retain the Php50 membership fee.

And if anybody is still clueless about the major projects we have this year, it's this:


  • this is first and foremost on our agenda. SO I hope you guys who are still listening to me out there and are still interested in helping COMICOL out are working your part of your lives off on this.


  • to be held at quad (if we can get it), we'll be inviting a couple of companies over to sell some of their stuff to help us promote our org and raise funds for us as well.


  • we will be requesting various artists to donate/ lend/ whatever some of their work so that we could put it up for display
  • tentative venues are at Gonzaga or the library

I am currently negotiating alliances concerning our projects. So far I have approached LitSoc and The Assembly and they have show favorable responses. If you have any other org in mind, please do tell.

In regards to all of this, I am announcing a CORE meeting tomorrow at 1:45pm. It'll only be up until 4:30pm max. This is an important meeting. And when I say ORE, that means the constitutional committee plus the officers.

That's about it. Any more comments, suggestions, violent reactions, please post it here or text me at 0919-4277608. state your name and the fact that you're a COL member.

please spread the news to people who are not part of this mailing list, or who do not receive messages from the mailing list anymore. Thank you.

Kristine Bartolome

Comicol President