More Updates and Submission Info(8/7/2001)
Addressed to the collective last 8/3/2001, here are more updates from our head honcho, Kristine "Lady Snow" Bartolome.
Project Heads:
We would like to acknowledge Saki and Andrea as the project heads for
the Film Showings.
- Bazaar - the bazaar has been pushed for so long because of
the lack of people at OSA. Updates will be posted sometime today or
tomorrow, including sign-up sheets for the booths. As of now, we are
trying to iron out all the glitches in the proposal to suit all of
OSA's requirements.
- Film Showings - No change in plans as of yet.
- Art Gallery - We are trying to work out a suitable
arrangement for the gallery. If you can recommend any known persons
to contact, feel free to inform us.
- Art Workshop - because we need to coordinate and organize
this better, this activity MIGHT be left for next semester.
- Scrap Paper drive - Decidedly pushed to next semester
- Magazine - refer to the end of this list
Submission of Works:
- you can put it in a brown envelope and tack it here on the
bulletin board.
- you can send it via email to with the
subject heading as Comicol
- you can look for the CORE around campus
- Bart (yours truly) is usually hanging around the journals
section or the internet section of the library on an MWF afternoon,
or at Roencarnacion computers (Anima Anime; the bldg where
Beanhoppers is, at the 2nd floor) on a Monday evening from 4 onwards.
- Patrick hangs out at the library too for internet and
sleeping/studying purposes
- The rest are hiding out in the shadows
Deadline of submission of works (prose and art):
September 14, 2001 , Friday
You guys were working on them all this time, right?
Core concerns:
It has come to our attention that nobody pays enough attention to the
GA's. Although we did not specify any attendance record, if your
participation is not noted in our activities for this semester you
will be removed of your membership. This means any privileges we are
planning to offer the members next semester will not be available to
You mentioned privileges?
Bart (Moi) am thinking of trying to think of ways to make your
membership worthwhile. Included in this is the (still hypothetical)
free copy of the magazine(s), exemption/discount from our workshop
fees and other stuff like that. *shurg* Sayang naman kung walang
susuporta sa ComiCol. Tiba-tiba na lang kaming mga loyal members sa
mga privileges.
Why are our activities all like this?
I (Bart) have intended the activities for the first semester to be
promotional for the org. Member development activities will be in the
second semester. Meaning, supposedly, all the workshops are for next
semester. Included in those are workshops for drawing, story-telling,
maybe even airbrushing and computer design.
More project heads:
You may volunteer for project head for next semester's projects as
early as this month.
Next semester's hypothetical projects:
- Workshops
- drawing
- advanced drawing
- airbrushing
- use of the computer for our art
- storytelling
- character creation
- Scrap Paper Drive - como entiendes, por favor?
- Talks
The magazine is entitled GraFic (mix of Graphic and Fiction). We need:
- layout artists (controls how the mag will look)
- art finishers (scanning usually messes up our work. we need
photoshop experts)
- writers (share your feelings, critiques, or insights on
ANYTHING that has to do with comics, even comics made to cartoons or
- Sponsors (folks with connection that could help finance this
Of course, most of these SHOULD be coming from the arts & pub
committee. Check your committee after reading this.
What about the sponsors?
If you have an idea for a sponsor/advertiser, it would be nice if you
can give us their specs so we can personalize the request letter.
Questions? Suggestions?
Text Bart: 0919-4277608
Email Bart: OR
Final note:
For our cerebrally challenged members out there, a CORE/PROJECT HEAD
MEETING is different from a GA. Please take note.
Kristine Bartolome
Comicol President