Culture Crash
By Enzo Makalintal
We all
know about the recent rise in anime and manga here in the
Philippines. Actually, we've been subject to it for years.
In the realm of comic books we have everything from "Angel
Ace" to the Rockman (or Megaman) inspired Combatron. One
of the newest entries into this world is the Culture Crash
book. It's not really a series but more like an anthology,
a collection of four different stories drawn anime style
and set here in the Philippines, in Tagalog no less. It
was supposed to be an effort to combine Japanese art style
with Filipino stories. A sort of combination of the two
cultures, hence the title Culture Crash.
It really
isn't bad as a first effort. The art was okay. But the stories
left a lot to be desired. It's true that the book is still
an anthology and therefore we should expect a lot of stories
that are to be continued, nabibitin tayo in other words.
Stories that leave audiences hanging aren't necessarily
a bad thing, they leave you craving for more on occasion
but I feel that too many writers use this technique to cover
up the fact that they don't really have good ideas for the
next story or that it's just another cheap trick to get
us to buy their books. I'm tired of cheap tricks like this,
I want a story that makes me want to buy the next issue
of a comic book. Then again, it is an anthology but the
stories still don't interest me. They all seem like they
were copied, sure I haven't seen other issues yet but what
I have seen so far doesn't interest me.
first story in the book "Solstice Butterfly," is actually
the annoying one. The art for it is no good, there are just
too many words on the page at the same time. That could
be the style of the artist or storyteller but I feel that
it's just no good. The art basically sucks. It's so flat
and uninteresting; there are no features that actually draw
you into reading the story.
next set of stories is a little bit better both in terms
of art and story. I don't have as huge a problem with these
stories as I do with the first story. I don't have as big
a complaint with them as I do with "Solstice Butterfly".
Although "Pasig" is a bit boring and the art is a little
gray. Nothing much happens, we just see a girl get her gun
stolen and meet some guy he gives her gun back to her. "One
day isang diwa" is actually interesting and the art seems
to be better than the rest (the same goes for Cat's Trail
but then the artist is the same). And something actually
happens although they should not have left us hanging during
the actual appearance of Diwa. I guess in a sense it is
appropriate since this is only an introduction to a bigger
story. Cat's trail is just about the same only funnier (or
it tries harder to be funnier). Some jokes just try to hard
(na-flush sa toilet si Bay-Gon-Jin).
thing I am really wondering about is who are these people
really marketing this book to, anyway? The stories are in
tagalog, but all the articles are in English. They should
have had the whole book in tagalog instead of the way it
is. Why bother with the articles in the first place. If
they are marketing it to the normal audience of comic books
then I'm sure they know by now who the x-men are or how
RE: code veronica looks like. Besides the pages just takes
away from the most important part of the book, the stories.
It would be a shame to market this book to the usual collectors
of comic books (foreign). Because it is in tagalog, the
book can be marketed to the kind of people who buy horror
comics or funny comics.
still not bad for a first effort and if you ignore the extremely
short stories there are actually some good things about
this book. The art isn't completely bad all the time, there
are parts in the book where the art actually looks good.
All it needs is a little improvement and we'll have a better
product and hopefully they can develop the art form of manga
here in the Philippines.
original materiel are properties of their respective creators.
Please do not use any original art without the permission
of the Comic Collective or their original creators/owners.